Gain inner strength and self-confidence
For whom is respiratory therapy?
For people who…
– are under excessive stress
– want to experience more awareness
– suffer from burnout problems
– suffer from respiratory problems
– breathe “flat” often
– want to feel more joie de vivre
– seek inner peace and tranquility
– want to feel “connected
– struggle with inner conflicts
– are in a stressful situation
– Aim for more mindfulness
– desire deep relaxation

Conscious connected breathing
Conscious connected breathing aims to improve mental and physical well-being through respiratory therapy. We use the power of the breath to experience deep relaxation and – in a protected space – to make tangible what really touches us in the moment.
Gain inner strength and self-confidence
Breathwork can therefore also serve to process and resolve emotional conflicts. Deeper psychological issues can become conscious. Once they are brought to consciousness, such issues are usually relieved of tension, making them less undesirable or disruptive in life.
On the other hand, physical health can also be improved through respiratory therapy. Breathwork aims at restoring functional breathing, it orders, regenerates and releases self-healing forces. Metabolism and blood circulation improve. The immune system is strengthened. Stress can be relieved through guided breathing. As a positive consequence, the release of harmful stress hormones is reduced, the nervous system relaxes.

When meditating, the method allows us to reach the state of inner peace and awareness faster. The mindfulness of relaxed breathing plays an important role in our quality of life and in solving inner problems in psychotherapy and counseling.
Coherent breathing is also used in sports, for example to improve endurance performance.
Coherent breathing
The technique of coherent breathing (Heart Coherence) arose from the desire to achieve optimal interaction between the nervous system and the main body functions through breathing.
Coherent breathing and heart
Coherent breathing can have a positive effect on our blood pressure.

Boxed breathing